Zapytania ofertowe
Wygenerowano: 2024-06-05 22:21:12
Zakończono zbieranie ofert
Dyckerhoff Polska sp. z o.o. _Request for proposal for combi grinding solution with the High Pressure Grinding Roll equipment for the already existing Cement grinding plant CM3 _Nowiny plant. - Z7/976/1
Data rozpoczęcia: 2024-06-05 22:30:00 Data zakończenia: 2024-07-05 23:59:00 Termin zadawania pytań (do kiedy?): 2024-06-24 18:00:00
Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zakładowa 3
26-052 Nowiny
NIP: 657-00-81-493
Kupiec prowadzący: Kubicki, Paweł
telefon stacjonarny: -
telefon komórkowy: -
Osoba kontaktowa w sprawach merytorycznych:
Treść zapytania

The objective of the inquiry is the engineering, manufacture and supply of the Equipment for upgrade of the already existing Cement grinding plant CM3.

1.Description of the investment

The subject of the investment is to increase the production capacity of the cement production plant in Nowiny by building an installation for the initial grinding of clinker for cement production, an integral part of which will be an installation for transporting, storing, dosing and mixing lime flour for cement mills no. 1, 2 and 3 in the Nowiny Cement Plant. ” at Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o. o

2.Subject of the request for proposal

The subject of this request for proposal is the engineering, manufacture and supply of the combi grinding solution with the High Pressure Grinding Roll equipment for the already existing Cement grinding plant CM3 for four type of cements mentioned in the technical requirements below.

The subject of the order will comply with the terms of this Request for Proposal if it meets the conditions set out in the above technical specification in a manner consistent or equivalent. The subject of the order cannot have parameters worse than those presented in the Request for Proposal. The tenderer is solely responsible for clarifying the scope of equivalence of the proposed parameters.

3.Required preconditions and capacities.

3.1.(Pre-) Cement compositions


Clinker : 90.2 %

Gypsum : 5.5 %

Limestone (to static separator) : 3.8 %

Others (Bypass dust & iron sulphate) : 0.5 %


CEM II/A-M (S-LL) (pre-cement mixture):

Clinker : 83.2 %

Gypsum : 5.4 %

Others (Bypass dust & iron sulphate) : 0.6 %

Raw slag (GBFS) : 10.8 %


CEM II / C-M (S-LL) (pre-cement mixture):

Clinker : 65.9 %

Gypsum : 6.2 %

Others (Bypass dust & iron sulphate) : 0.7 %

Raw slag (GBFS) : 27.2 %


CEM II/C-M (V-LL) (pre-cement mixture):

Clinker : 66.7 %

Gypsum : 4.7 %

Others (Bypass dust & iron sulphate) : 0.7 %

Dry fly ash : 27.9 %


3.2.Target capacities for the 4 cements


Performance Warranty figures

Mill Throughput :

 ≥ 240 t/h CEM I

at a fineness of 3,700 cm2/g acc. to Blaine


≥ 153 t/h CEM II/A-M (S-LL)

at a fineness of 4,600 cm2/g acc. to Blaine


≥ 133 t/h CEM II / C-M (S-LL)

at a fineness of 4,600 cm2/g acc. to Blaine


≥ 232 t/h CEM II/C-M (V-LL)

at a fineness of 4,600 cm2/g acc. to Blaine

Mill Throughput is the total capacity of grinding plant (pre-cements) without limestone dust (LL meal) addition before finish product silo.

3.3.Raw Material properties

3.3.1.Material feed sizes.

Clinker to static separator : 95 % < 31.5 mm

5 % oversize up to max. 50 mm

Gypsum to static separator : 95 % < 31.5 mm

5 % oversize up to max. 63 mm

Limestone to static separator : 95 % < 31.5 mm

5 % oversize up to max. 50 mm

The portion of fresh feed material smaller than 1 mm is max. 30 %.

Raw slag (GBFS) to ball mill : max. 6 mm

3.3.2.Material feed moisture content:

Clinker : 0 %

Gypsum : min. 1.0 %, max. 7.0 %

Limestone : min. 0.2 %, max. 4.0 %

Raw slag (GBFS) : min. 4.2 %, max. 14.2 %

Dry fly ash : min. 0 %, max. 0.1 %

3.3.3.Material feed temperature:

Clinker : min. (+) 60 °C, max. (+) 100 °C,

Gypsum : min. (-) 10 °C, max. (+) 25 °C

Limestone : min. (-) 10 °C, max. (+) 25 °C

Raw slag (GBFS) : min. (-) 10 °C, max. (+) 25 °C

Dry fly ash : min. (-) 10 °C, max. (+) 25 °C

The ambient temperature is in the range of : (-) 20 °C – (+) 40 °C.

3.3.4.Grindability figures of the main raw material:


  • Clinker 33,9 kWh/t (at 3000 cm²/g) according Zeisel Test
  • Slag (GBFS)  49,3 kWh/t (at 3000 cm²/g) according Zeisel Test


Zeisel Grindability at 3,000 cm²/g : 28.1 kWh/t

Laboratory-Ball Mill grindability at 3,000 cm²/g : 18.8 kWh/t

Calculated grindability of the clinker to be ground is wtest max. 33.9 kWh/t at a fineness

of 3,000 cm²/g acc. to Blaine.


Raw slag (GBFS):

Zeisel Grindability at 3,000 cm²/g : 42.2 kWh/t

Laboratory-Ball Mill grindability at 3,000 cm²/g : 25.2 kWh/t

Calculated grindability of Raw slag (GBFS) to be ground is wtest max. 49.3 kWh/t at

a fineness of 3,000 cm²/g acc. to Blaine.


Dry fly ash:

Assumed grindability of dry fly ash to be ground is wtest max. 10.0 kWh/t at a fineness

of 3,000 cm²/g acc. to Blaine.


4.Scope of supply.

4.1.The scope of delivery of Cement grinding plant – detailed list of main mechanical equipment:


  • High Preassure Grinding Roll (HPGR)
  • Separator’s
  • Cyclones
  • 2 belt conveyors (to HPGR and after Bucket Elevator) with magnetic separator and metal detectors
  • Condition monitoring system for main gearbox
  • Other equipment necessary to fulfill the requirements from point 3 of RFP.


  • Technical Assistance During Erection and Commissioning
  • Additional Training for operators on-site.


5.Delivery address

Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Zakładowa 3,

26-052 Nowiny,


6.Commercial offer should include:

  • Unit prices
  • Delivery conditions
  • Payment terms
  • Warranty conditions
  • Technical specification
  • Detailed list of parts and equipment
  • Delivery time schedule


7.Work execution schedule

Planned delivery date of equipment:                                                30.06.2025

8.Offer submitting data

Deadline for asking questions                                                          24.06.2024

The offer has to be submitted via procurement platform until:         05.07.2024


9.Offer selection criteria

  • 60% Price
  • 20% Reference and experience
  • 20% Warranty conditions (Service life for roll bodies of high pressure grinding roll counted in  working hours [h])

   Detailed offer selection criteria described in appendix nr.6  Terms of participation in the request for proposal


Formal criteria:

·fulfill expected performance warranties requirements according to point 3. ( yes/no)

·delivery time according to point 7( yes/no)

·declaration confirming compliance with the requirements for participation in the tender procedure ( attached and signed appendix no 5.)

10.Amending the provisions of the concluded contract in relation to the content of the tender.

The Contracting Authority provides for the possibility of amending the provisions of the concluded contract in relation to the content of the tender offer on the basis of which the Supplier was selected, in the following scope:

  1. The necessity to introduce changes will result from changes made in contracts between the Contracting Authority and a party other than the Supplier, including another supplier or institution supervising the implementation of the project under which the Contract is executed, while the change may concern only those provisions of the contract that will be directly affected by the modifications, and the changes may not lead to an increase in the Supplier's remuneration.
  2. It is permissible to change the agreement performance date in cases where:
  1. there are force majeure events (natural disaster, civil unrest, military action, pandemic, etc.) which make it impossible to supply the object of the contract,
  2. circumstances arise which could not have been foreseen by the contracting parties despite the exercise of due diligence or for reasons of formal and legal obstacles beyond the control of the contracting parties,
  3. delays have arisen at earlier stages of the project,
  4. delays in or changes to administrative or other institutions' decisions (decisions by public authorities, changes to the law in force, awaiting previously unforeseen but necessary expert findings, court rulings, etc.),
  5. the object of the agreement is performed before the contractual deadline and the Contracting Authority obtains the funds to pay the Supplier's remuneration at an earlier date,
  6. there will be a need for additional deliveries, consisting of a partial replacement of supplied items or installations of the contract, or an increase in the planned delivery or extension of existing installations.

All changes to the provisions of the agreement must be made in writing under pain of nullity. The occurrence of any of the above-mentioned circumstances to the extent that they affect the course of the contract shall result in that the term of the agreement may be extended/amended accordingly by the time necessary to complete its performance in an appropriate manner. Any delays/changes must be documented by appropriate protocols signed by the Supplier and the Contracting Authority, on the basis of which the parties will agree new deadlines.

11.Additional information

Third party services company working in the Dyckerhoff Polska Cement Plant in Nowiny will be obliged to:

  1. Compliance with the rules of operation of foreign companies on the premises of the Dyckerhoff Polska cement plant described in the instructions in Annex 3.
  2. Maintaining and cleaning the facilities covered by the above-mentioned renovation scope during and after the work is completed.
  3. Presentation of warranty conditions for the above-mentioned works.
  4. Providing a list of employees with the following attachments (Form in Annex 3):
    1. Current medical permission tests;
    2. Current confirmation of occupational health and safety training;
    3. Necessary authorizations and qualifications to perform work resulting from the contract;
    4. Energy licenses for work related to operation (operation, maintenance, renovation, assembly and control and measurement works).
  5. Site visit is recommended.


  • Appendix 1 General requirements for electrical equipment in attachment (pol and eng version).
  • Appendix 2 General terms of delivery Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o.o.
  • Appendix 3 Rules of operation of Third party services company on site of Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o. o.
  • Appendix 4 Flow sheet
  • Appendix 5 Declaration confirming compliance with the requirements for participation in the tender procedure.
  • Appendix 6 Terms of participation in the request for proposal

13.Contact person details

Technical site

Grzegorz Czekaj – Project Manager

Tel.: +48 41 346-6623

Mobil: +49 667 667 645




Paweł Kubicki – Procurement Manager

Tel.: +48 41 346 64 85

Mobil: +49 722 222 650


Pokaż szczegóły
Produkt Indeks/Nr produktu Ilość Jednostka miary
1. Cement grinding plant according to point 4.1. 1 komplet
Opis: According to point 4.1. The scope of delivery of Cement grinding plant – detailed list of main mechanical equipment:

High Preassure Grinding Roll (HPGR)
2 belt conveyors (to HPGR and after Bucket Elevator) with magnetic separator and metal detectors
Condition monitoring system for main gearbox
Other equipment necessary to fulfill the requirements from point 3 of RFP.
Ukryj szczegóły
2. Services according to point 4.2. 1 usługa
Opis: Technical Assistance During Erection and Commissioning Additional Training for operators on-site.
Ukryj szczegóły
Kryteria formalne (warunki udziału w postępowaniu):
1. Fulfill expected performance warranties requirements according to point 3
2. Delivery time according to point 7
3. Declaration confirming compliance with the requirements for participation in the tender procedure ( attached and signed appendix no 5.)
Dodatkowe warunki formalne:
Kryteria oceny oferty:
1. Cena - 60%
2. Doświadczenie - 20%
3. Gwarancja - 20%
Dodatkowe pytania do oferty:

Brak pozycji


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